
Where to buy Apex Legends account?

Apex Legends accounts lets you play a massively popular free-to-play first person shooter battle royale game. If you are looking to buy Apex Legends account? Then you came to the right place! On the best website to purchase Apex Legends account, Eldorado.gg you will find many different Apex Legends accounts for sale offers.

What is apex coins?

Apex Legends has a premium currency called Apex Coins. What these Apex Coins do is that players can use them to purchase featured items in the store and Apex Packs. Do note that Apex Coins are the only currency that players can buy with real money.

What are apex packs?

Apex Packs contain about three random cosmetic items with different rarities. Don’t be too worried about receiving common skins or items only though, since players typically have a 100% chance of receiving at least one item that’s Rare or better. There’s a 24.8% chance they’ll get an Epic item and a 7.4% to score one of the Legendary items.

